The Best Toddler Gifts: Toddler Gift Guide

Best Toddler Gifts


I had so much fun putting together this gift guide, all the BEST toddler gifts. My toddler gift guide and toddler gift ideas are all pulled from toddler toys and gifts that Weldon has and loves! Plus a few that will be under our tree this year. Shop all my toddler gift ideas here!

A few standouts … Weldon’s favorite birthday gifts from earlier this month were these construction trucks (here, here, here, and here) and more Magnatiles (we have these, these, and these). He also recently received a Tonies audioplayer box and LOVES it! A great non-screen gift. His play kitchen is so cute and on sale! Last but not least, he rides his scooter almost every single day (here’s his helmet).

Word on the street is that this toy train table will be under our tree this year!

Shop all of my Gift Guides here!