We’re Spending a MONTH in Europe!

A Month in Europe

We’re Spending a MONTH in Europe!

I’ve been teasing this for a while now. But I wanted to make sure we had everything nailed down before sharing. I’ll go into more detail below, but to cut to the chase, we’re spending an entire MONTH in Europe this summer! Yes, Weldon is coming too! I’m excited and a little anxious.

The Backstory

Last summer was brutally hot in New Orleans (and really everywhere in the South). Weldon’s school doesn’t offer “camp” during the month of July. It was pretty miserable to be in the stifling heat with a toddler who needs to be outside for at least a few hours each day. If you don’t live in the South, it’s hard to explain the heat and humidity and how truly miserable it’s gotten over the past few years during the summer months. Add a child into the mix, and trying to do anything outside and even just exist in the heat is even worse. That combined with the fact that we’ve had a few friends who’ve spent extended periods of time abroad during the summer months and the fact that British Airways offers a non-stop flight from New Orleans to London really got our minds churning. Should we escape to Europe for a bit?

By the end of August 2023, we were so fed up with the heat that we booked all three of us round-trip tickets to/from London … for four weeks. 

Points & Miles

If you’re new around here, Michael and I are very into utilizing credit card points and miles for travel. I used to write about travel “hacking” here. But it tends to be a complicated process at times, and there are plenty of other writers and gurus that are completely dedicated to the points and miles game that you can reference if it’s something that interests you. I’m happy to chat via email ([email protected]) or Instagram DM if you have questions! We booked our flights and hotels for the entire four-week trip with points and miles. 

Where We’re Heading

Michael originally booked a handful of placeholder hotels in cities that we thought we might want to visit. Over the last few weeks, we’ve narrowed down our itinerary and firmed up our plans. Over our four-week trip, we’ll be visiting London, Paris, Zurich, Prague, and Vienna. Michael and I have both been to London and Paris (I’ve been to both solo and with Michael). I visited Switzerland in high school, but we only stopped in Lucerne. I’m excited to check out Zurich! Michael and I had to cancel a trip to Prague and Vienna during the pandemic so I’m very much looking forward to finally getting to visit these two cities. 

One of the Most Frequently Asked Questions …

One of the most frequently asked questions I’ve received so far, how are you making this trip work with WORK?! I’m very aware this is a privilege. Michael and I both work remote. Michael is planning to work on east coast hours. So he’ll have his mornings free to explore with us and then work in the afternoons/evenings. I’m excited to check out all the parks, museums, zoos, and aquariums with Weldon in the afternoons! I’m planning to squeeze in as much work as I can before Weldon wakes up, during nap time, and after he goes to bed. It’ll involve juggling, but it’s only for four weeks so we’ll make it work.

In Planning Mode

While I’m so excited for this trip, I’m a little anxious too. Mainly about the length of time we’ll be gone and uprooting Weldon from his routine. I know he’ll have the best time! But like any type A mom, I’m worried about messing up his routine – he thrives on his little schedule, but I have no doubt he’ll love the trains, parks, airplanes, and just generally spending all day, every day with mom and dad. 🙂 

We depart in a few weeks, so I’m in major planning mode gathering everything we need, planning our packing strategy, and making reservations. With that said, be sure to follow along on Instagram where I’ll be sharing the day-to-day prep (and obviously our travels once we’re on our way!). 

I’m open to all the recs! If you have any recs for places to eat, things to do, kid-friendly activities etc. for London, Paris, Zurich, Vienna, or Prague, email me ([email protected]) – I’d love to hear from you! 

I’m excited to share this adventure with you!