Week In Review
While I’m a little bummed about potentially missing the first snow of the season in D.C. this weekend, I’m not too disappointed since this was my view waking up this morning! Before getting into all the details on where I…
While I’m a little bummed about potentially missing the first snow of the season in D.C. this weekend, I’m not too disappointed since this was my view waking up this morning! Before getting into all the details on where I…
This was one of those weeks where I can’t believe it’s already Friday, definitely not complaining though! This weekend is the only weekend I’ll be in DC this month so I’m looking forward to relaxing and getting into the Christmas…
After being on a plane last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I’m so excited for this Friday to be here and ready for a weekend at home! Even though I’ll technically be home, I do have something fun up my sleeve…
This week has flown by! Which isn’t always the case for short work weeks. My social calendar was pretty light this week as I needed to get a few things checked off of my to-do list after work hours since…
I may or may not be wearing this exact outfit today … So if you catch me on Instagram Stories in it, don’t judge. 😉 I can already tell it’s going to be my fall uniform. Oversized cream sweater, embroidered…
TGIF! If you’re subscribed to my Newsletter, which you totally should be (have you seen the GIVEAWAY going on this week?! Scroll down, and SUBSCRIBE to enter to win!), you saw where I haven’t been able to consume any caffeine…